Kat Rose
Multi-dimensional Health sleuth
subtle body hacker
purity pathcutter
Aquarian Technologist
Kat Rose is an awakened Christos Starseed, whose mission here on Earth during the Ascension Cycle is, in part, to preserve, receive and anchor the Sound and Healing Codes needed to assist Angelic Humanity in the restoration of its Original Divine Template.
God, Sovereign & Free - In service to the law of one & Christos planetary reclamation

All glory to
the teacher!!!

If I stand upright at all, it is only on the shoulders of the guides, teachers and mentors I have been blessed to have had contact with in this lifetime.
My eternal and profound gratitude to (in order of appearance): Mom & Dad; Dr. Vincent Medici; Ellen Heed; Ana Forrest; Dr. Bob Marshall; Denie Hiestand; Jon Rappoport; Jorli Mclain; KD Farris; the 8 boxes of Keylontic Science material I picked up when I lived in Mt. Shasta; D. Moyer; the instructors at Glorian; Lisa Renee; Dietrich Klinghardt; the Clairvision School of Meditation.
Not to mention the authors of all the books I have read on healing, spirituality and esotericism, as well as the facilitators not mentioned above who trained me in various healing modalities over the years…a million thanks to you! And to the Wayshowers, Avatars and Masters throughout time, whose transmissions and legacies have contributed to activating and unlocking my own eclectic, ever expanding embodied wisdom and remembrance, to you I BOW, again and again.
And last but not least, a special shout out to God and to my own Soul, Monad and Christos Avatar;-)